Bossy Bridegroom by Mary Connealy

Bossy Bridegroom by Mary Connealy

Author:Mary Connealy [ Connealy, Mary]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 978-1-60742-984-5
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Published: 2008-03-24T16:00:00+00:00


Michael hung up the phone, satisfied with the plans in place for the Fourth of July.

The Rapid City media was playing up the buffalo herd. Michael had placed some stories here and there about the fishing in Cold Creek and the small town charm. The cabins had been full every weekend since they’d opened, and he’d had enough weeklong reservations to make the place profitable, but it could do a lot better. They needed some hiking trails, maybe hook-ups for campers.

His mind busy, he went to the kitchen and found Jeanie reading at the table. His dinner was served and ready for him. Leaning down to kiss her cheek, he saw the Bible and his heart warmed. “You’re wonderful, you know? I’m so glad we’re together again.”

She lifted her chin, and their lips met. She closed the Bible, set it aside, and pulled her plate into place. Michael sat next to her. Their hands clasped, then he pulled her close and they turned to God in prayer.

When they’d finished, they ate supper. Michael made no unkind mention of the pathetic meal.

Michael slid both their plates aside when they were done, and he picked up her Bible. “What were you studying when I came in for supper?” He flicked his finger over the row of bright pink sticky notes on the top of the book.

Jeanie smiled up at him, her gift of sunlight to him. Michael prayed silently as she took the Bible and flipped it open at one of the tiny stickies. “I’ve marked all the verses I can find about courage. It’s been my one constant quest. I’m a coward. I’ve done terrible things out of fear.” She flipped open the book to Colossians. “I’ve claimed this as my life verse.”

Michael read. “I recognize this from our bathroom mirror at the apartment.”

“Paul writing a letter of encouragement to the Colossians.” Jeanie’s graceful hand slid down the page to rest by the first verse. “‘We want you to be very strong, in keeping with his glorious power. We want you to be patient. Never give up. Be joyful.’ All of this was missing in my life on the day I gave up Sally. I ran away, hitched a ride, and ended up in Denver. I’d stolen money from Buffy. I left feeling like …” Jeanie’s eyes fell closed, and she shook her head.

“Like what, honey?” Michael sat around the corner from her. He scooted his chair so he was by her side and slid his arm around her shoulders, wishing his physical support could provide emotional support.

“Like I didn’t deserve to live.” She rested her head on his chest. “I felt so awful, just worthless. The bus station in Denver … I just walked out of it with no idea where to go from there.”

She took a deep breath. “I saw a homeless shelter. There was a sign asking for volunteers. I still had some money but not that much. It was late, and I was in a bad neighborhood. I had no idea where to find a motel.


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